The Competence Board scale has been developed as an individual and for each user personal compass needle for the requirements of existing and upcoming tasks. In addition, several participants can be bundled from the individual competence board skills and project teams or departments can be formed from them.
In contrast to many collaborative methods, the individual competencies and skills of the participants are first recorded by each person working individually.
The goal is to become aware of which competencies from different fields are already available and to what extent. This assessment makes it possible to move from this own point of view to where the competencies are needed or to learn skills needed in the future.
The Competence Board distinguishes between the following fields:
– Personality
– Competencies
– Skills
– Goals & Motivation
– Occupation
– Competencies
– Skills
– Goals & Motivation
– Interests
– Competencies
– Skills
– Goals & Motivation
Depending on the question, which is agreed upon before the test is carried out, the level of the ability is queried for each topic on a scale from 0 to 9 and, in a further query of the “half-life index”, when and for how long it was last actively used and required.
The next step is to examine which of these skills are needed for existing and future requirements in a company/team. The conclusion is the reflection with the other participants, where an honest feedback is necessary and the competences defined for upcoming projects are compared with the participants.
The approach of the Competence Board is based on the guiding principle “from I, to you, to we” which is anchored on the situation-oriented approach (S. o.A) in elementary education. Especially in times of change, it is necessary to have an orientation about oneself in order to subsequently work in a larger network.
The decisive and critical moment is to also become aware of skills and in-competencies that are no longer needed and to communicate them. However, these are deliberately not in the foreground.
Against the backdrop that many people are deprived of fundamental certainty about their own point of view, particularly as a result of digital and digitalized changes, the Competence Board is suitable for naming these perceived changes and becoming aware of one’s own strengths.
– Conscious reflection with own competences and skills
– Recognition of strengths and weaknesses (per participant and in the team) with an additional “half-life index
– Identify potential for use in other departments/projects based on non-certified knowledge.
– Can be performed cyclically/iteratively also individually
– Requires preparation time to determine the correct query parameters
– Controlling and updating the updates of the Competence Boards requires effort