In this team gameKommuniKARTio, from the company Metalog, the learning and reflection focus is in the area of imagination, perception and communication training. Benno van Aerssen: “Without a good imagination and functioning, detailed communication, an idea never becomes an innovation.”
Many people believe that their colleagues reject their ideas because they don’t like them – but in most cases they just have a very bad copy of that idea in their head.
To create the exact identical image of the idea in the colleague’s brain usually takes more effort than you think. Especially 30-second elevator pitches produce only incomplete idea images here. Speaking metaphors and detailed descriptions, which are additionally provided with emotions and passion, are required here. KommunikARTio provides a valuable service in innovation work here. It is a very impressive experience for all participants when they realize that their words for the description of a simple plastic part do not lead to the target.
The special efficiency of this game is achieved by eliminating the sense of sight – all participants play blindfolded. The term KommunikARTio is composed of communication, art and map. This learning scenario bundles a variety of subject areas. As with the puzzle, the group is confronted here with a problem that can only be solved through the art of communication. KommunikARTio is a real treasure chest for communication professionals.