Within the digital transformation, companies benefit greatly from exchange formats with other companies that are facing similar challenges, have already gathered certain experiences, or are deliberately pursuing different ideas.
Through the format of the learning journey, which can be booked through an external partner or organized internally by the company itself, the participants of this learning journey gain very concrete insights into other companies. A group consists of about eight to 15 people. Within two to four days, companies, e.g. in a nearby city, are visited locally in this way. In relation to more distant destinations, the stay can be combined with other formats (e.g. a job shadowing) and last five to ten days.
The method we present here describes the procedure for organizing a learning journey for employees internally. Employees from different areas should be allowed to take part in the learning journey so that the participants complement each other optimally and exciting insights emerge.
Neither the own company nor the companies visited should “sell” themselves and their successful projects. Rather, it is about getting to know each other and exchanging information, learning from each other and absorbing knowledge and inspiration. The learning journey thrives on the mutual interest, openness and conversations between all the people involved. During the learning journey, participants learn a great deal about other companies. You will also get to know other cities and cultures. Everything that the participants of the learning journey have gained in terms of new knowledge should be passed on internally to other employees afterwards.