The aim of a continuous improvement process (CIP) is to achieve continuous and incremental improvement of production processes and product, process and service qualities through appropriate teamwork. The Continuous Improvement Process is a method that has been known for many years and is always the subject of controversial discussions. Depending on many factors, there are just as many CIP projects that achieve good results and those that have failed miserably.
Based on the well-known Japanese Kaizen philosophy, this method does not aim for radical improvement, but for continuous incremental improvement. The first step is to decide in team rounds what should be improved. In the next step, the actual and target states are then described using key figures.
After existing problems are described and evaluated, the causes of the problems that occur can then be sought. Subsequently, solution ideas are collected and evaluated in order to then select suitable solution ideas for solving the problem. After a decision has been made, appropriate measures are implemented and the success is reviewed.
The advantage of this method is that, in addition to process optimization and the associated cost and time optimization, employee skills such as creativity and commitment are awakened and the corporate culture is improved.
Known characteristics of a continuous improvement process are:
– CIP is primarily a mindset that all employees must deeply internalize.
– CIP is always characterized by the multitude of measures that are primarily implemented quickly and unbureaucratically in everyday life.
– For CIP there are no limitations in terms of application focus; products, services, processes, activities, technology, workplace – everything in an organization can be improved.
– CIP is not scheduled, it is to be understood continuously.
– CIP makes use of many different methods and tools; the decisive factor is the effect, not the approach.
Central working principles are: Sorting out, avoiding, cleanliness, tidying up, order, simplicity, standardization, and setting and adhering to rules.
The “continuous improvement” mindset was significantly shaped by Toyota and the Toyota Production System. It has been widely used with lean management and under the Japanese term kaizen since the early 1990s.
CIP is usually distinguished from innovation management or company suggestion schemes, which tend to mean a process that is formally defined in the respective company. In contrast, CIP measures tend to be implemented informally and virally.