Dreams are a rich source of ideas because they often contain combinations and rearrangements of occurrences that we would not be able to do while awake.
Dreams reveal connections that you are not even aware you know! Many famous inventors, scientists and artists “dreamt”
their important works. The philosopher René Descartes started a dream diary after an impressive dream in 1619 – at the end of his notes was his deatilled new system of thinking. The author Robert Louis Stevenson dreamed his novellas before he wrote them down, and the physicist Niels Bohr saw the model of an atom for the first time in a dream. Elias Howe was attacked in a dream by a tribe of savages who pointed spears at him with a hole in the tip – this model of sewing needle became the breakthrough in his invention of the sewing machine!
Sleep psychologists tell us that we have about six dreams a night – but we forget most of them. The Dreamscape method is about putting yourself in a productive dream state, filtering out the important aspects of a dream, and recording the results.
You will find out that your dreams have to do with memories and experiences – including those regarding your current challenge. Dreams weave old and fresh experiences into contexts in a unique story. With some practice of “creative dreaming” the “correct” interpretation is the one that “works” for you.