
Stumbling Block Technique


With this technique you give problems and obstacles a picture, and with it you can actually talk and discuss about them differently. Stumbling blocks here symbolize problems, obstacles and difficulties of various kinds that participants in an innovation project associate with the idea and its implementation.

Prospective use of the stumbling blocks is dominated by evaluation and problem analysis in the suitability of the technique.

The term stone or stumbling block has a strong metaphorical character, which can be used purposefully here – by a good moderator. A small selection of well-known metaphors and idioms:

– “It’s a load off my mind.”
– “Putting obstacles in the way”
– “Philosopher’s Stone”
– “Stone of the stumbling block”
– “Hard as a rock”

In a retrospective use of the method, the focus of the discussion is then on the exchange and transfer of experience. Figures of speech can then be:

– “Those were rocks that were in my way – or our way.”
– “Stones I have stumbled over, we have stumbled over”.
– “Stones we had to clear out of the way first”.

However, stumbling blocks are of course also suspected or anticipated with foresight:

– “We have to expect these stumbling blocks.”
– “We should get rid of these stones first.”

However, in all modes of use, not only should problems be identified and named, but concrete possibilities for action and measures should always be developed to remove the “obstacles”.

Registered users will find a detailed description of how to use the method in a meeting or workshop context in the next section. Registration is free of charge.

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