Get inspiration from very old texts and sayings of wisdom. For example, make connections between Bible texts and your challenge.
The Bible has a surprising number of stories in store that are about something new – in other words, innovation. Creativity is already the main theme in the two creation accounts in Genesis.
And there we also find an exciting commission that God addresses to man – a commission to become creative himself and to participate in the work of creation: “God formed the land animals and the birds from the ground and brought them to man to see what he would call them. This is what they were then to be called.” (Genesis 2:19)
Use a Bible translation in contemporary German – for example, “Hope for All” or “The Good News” – it makes reading more fun. Or download a Bible app. This makes it easier to find the individual books and chapters.
You can now just randomly turn to a page, read a verse or story, and reflect on whether this inspires you to see your current challenge from a new perspective. Or use the suggestion list in the appendix (Files) to find a targeted text on a specific topic. This may save you from catching a boring enumeration of pedigrees….
Combination of Bible texts:
The Bible, as we know, consists of a whole series of books that have been told, written and collected over centuries. There are countless references between the Old and New Testaments. You can use directories in which Bible passages on terms are collected lexically (concordance). Another way to find already text pairs are the so-called “slogans”. Yes, in the German town of Herrnhut, Old Testament verses have been drawn out annually since 1731, each of which is juxtaposed with a text from the New Testament. Good groundwork for you. These watchwords are also available as an app that sends daily inspiration to your cell phone.
Are you looking for something on construction/real estate? Read Nehemiah and the rebuilding of the city wall or Solomon and the building of the temple. Learn how changing the rules can make you successful by comparing the Old and New Testaments. A collection of sayings of wisdom can be found in the book “Proverbs”.