
Virtual Café

Virtual round for free exchange, to maintain contacts and discuss a new topic.

In our networked and globalized world, you work with professionals from all over the world and automatically across locations – it’s a great advantage that digital transformation brings. At the same time, we work always and everywhere, are permanently online and no longer tied to the walking desk. As much as digital transformation is accelerating technologies to the home office so we can participate in video calls and dial into the corporate network, face-to-face contact on site is often missing. The daily exchange at the cafeteria table, the agreements made by shouting across the desk, or the chat leaning in the doorway are often eliminated these days.

But especially in the context of the digital world, an exchange of information and knowledge is immensely important in order to further educate oneself and to always be up to date! Curiosity and a hunger for knowledge are the basis for creativity and innovation, and conversation with colleagues can be key. One platform for this can be the Virtual Café, an organized, virtual meeting on a specific topic where participants exchange, discuss and help each other.

It has little to do with actual coffee drinking or a chat during the coffee break, because there is no coffee. Instead, with the Virtual Café you awaken the joy of new contacts and the exchange among each other, where the personal network can be expanded. By having the participants ask questions that are not answered by an expert, but by the others, you promote trust among each other. The onboarding of new employees becomes more pleasant, the right contacts can be found more easily and new topics can be placed. At the same time, you spread knowledge and experience where it is needed.(42) (42, 04/27/2021)

Registered users will find a detailed description of how to use the method in a meeting or workshop context in the next section. Registration is free of charge.

In addition to this description, you will find complete instructions on how to use the method in a team meeting or workshop in the Innovation Wiki. All you need to do is register free of charge and you will have access to this and more than 700 other methods and tools.

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