
BAR Brainstorming 2.0


BAR, or Brainstorming 2.0 by Michael Luther, is an acronym whose beginning stands for “Brainstorming But Properly”. It is, in Luther’s own words, “an independent variation of classic brainstorming that systematically incorporates framework design and special elements, such as initial warm-up, setting an idea quota, and a 3-5-step progressively “tightened” questioning process, to fully exploit the available idea potential.”

This means that Brainstorming 2.0 is actually not only a variant of classic brainstorming, but it is even a macro method, or rather one could say a basic little idea generation process. The essential elements that Luther has combined here to brainstorming (space, participant mix, sharpening the challenge, and so on) can also be found in other idea generation or innovation processes, such as in design thinking.

Registered users will find a detailed description of how to use the method in a meeting or workshop context in the next section. Registration is free of charge.

In addition to this description, you will find complete instructions on how to use the method in a team meeting or workshop in the Innovation Wiki. All you need to do is register free of charge and you will have access to this and more than 700 other methods and tools.

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