
Blue Roses


Intuition – how to develop it and apply it concretely.

The name of this method comes from an old legend: the king promised the hand of his daughter to the one who would bring her a blue rose. Suitors wooed her with a rose made of sapphire, artificially colored roses and a rose painted blue on a porcelain cup.

However, the princess fell in love with a simple minstrel singer. He gave her an ordinary white rose, but the princess defined this rose as blue.

What she did was trust her intuition. Using intuition means paying attention to feelings and knowing their accuracy. Trusting your intuition is the basic assumption of knowing the answer ahead of time.

Major leaders and managers have trusted their intuition: George Washington in the American War of Independence; Conrad Hilton when he bid on Chicago’s largest hotel; Henry Heinz when he elevated “57” to a trademark; and George Eastman, who did the same with the letter “K” for Kodak.

Successful managers use intuition, according to Daniel Isenburg’s study, to:
– perceive if there is a problem
– Apply learned behaviors quickly at the right moment
– Be able to quickly interpret isolated data in context
– check rational analysis by means of intuition
– Skip detailed analysis and make quick decisions

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