Delegation Poker

Delegation Poker

A technique for teams, the theme "Delegation" in a playful way to address Rules of action for togetherness and the Making decisions.

With the use of the “Delegation Poker” method, there is a chance to enable teams to work in a self-organized manner. Self-organized work is considered a central element of agile leadership, with the ability to delegate being one of the decisive leadership tools in the repertoire of a modern manager.

With the game “Delegation Poker”, managers and teams can try out how decisions can be delegated in the transformation process. The method offers the opportunity to reflect on the delegation of tasks and decisions at eye level in order to ensure maximum transparency with regard to upcoming decision-making processes. In addition, the method offers a handle to playfully deal with the different levels of delegation of decisions.

Possible applications

– Agree responsibilities together

– Agree degree of decision-making authority

– Transparent visualization of responsibilities in decision scenarios

– Gain understanding of decisions to be made

– Provide clarity on roles and responsibilities for scenarios

– Empowering and developing employees through the deliberate delegation of responsibilities

Delegation should also be trained in the context of the digital transformation of companies, and this applies to both managers and employees. This is about control and loss of control, it is about security, motivation, participation and, above all, freedom to make decisions. Managers decide several times a day how intensively they involve themselves in the individual topics and how much freedom and responsibility they transfer to their team. Between “instructions from the boss” and “complete self-delivery of a team” there are seven meaningful gradations (Level of Authority). Jurgen Appelo defined the seven gradations in his game “Delegation Poker”, which he developed.

This playful method helps to work on the topic of delegation in the team in a goal-oriented way. Advantages and disadvantages of the different delegation levels become comprehensible through the game and the decision-making processes become transparent.

Learning objectives

– Delegation is not subject to the all-or-nothing principle. There are different levels of delegation.

– Delegation works like a “slider”. Self-organization can be gradually increased.

– Delegation depends on the situation and the context.

The method is a target-oriented tool for all managers in the process of changing organizations to transfer more responsibility to their team. Ideally, the best possible degree of delegation required is found through the use of Delegation Poker.

Registered users will find a detailed description of how to use the method in a meeting or workshop context in the next section. Registration is free of charge.

In addition to this description, you will find complete instructions on how to use the method in a team meeting or workshop in the Innovation Wiki. All you need to do is register free of charge and you will have access to this and more than 700 other methods and tools.

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