


Playful knowledge and experience transfer for teams in transformation

Gamification is a playful way of imparting knowledge, through which you convey content and tasks in an innovative way.
With the entertaining mechanisms typical of games, the method conveys information and a variety of other contexts. The goals are knowledge enrichment as well as motivation and behavioral change for a wide variety of target groups. Gamification is derived from the English: “Game” – “the game”. The typical game elements include, in addition to the accomplishment of tasks through individual or collaborative
Services, rules, points, prices and comparisons. The advertising industry first used gamification for its own purposes. Due to its great success, the method became accepted in many areas where an entertaining infotainment is target-oriented. Gamification is now used in online shopping, for example,
used in the fitness industry and in the education sector. The success is primarily based on the play instinct of humans, as the playful experiences trigger positive emotions. The digital components reinforce this effect because the rewards, often in the form of points and positive rankings, are immediate. Gamification mostly takes place on digital channels via smartphone, notebook or PC, but the method can also be applied in classic forms. Agile management methods also use gamification for the purpose of creative idea generation.
Gamification is also frequently used in the area of employee training and motivation. Once you have completed your training or studies, continuous further training is not a matter of course. Nevertheless, expanding knowledge is absolutely essential in a world that is transforming digitally at an ever faster pace. Gamification reward systems motivate employees to participate in such educational activities. In sales, the often integrated competitive character forms an incentive to “challenge” oneself with colleagues: Rankings reflect sales successes and increase competition. Everyone wants to win and get their reward. This is also the reason why HR management and works councils need to be involved in the planning of gamification applications – the results are measurable and through the
digital applications Gamification has become an integral part of innovation workshops. Play is basically another word for learning; just consider our children. Everything they do on their own is playful – and it teaches them everything they need to survive in our society.

Basically, we all love to play – it just gets taken away from us over time. Work is work and play is play, that’s what we are taught in school. But each of us knows from our own experience: The things that were particularly fun remain in the memory – everything else fades.

Some have retained it – perhaps creative people in particular are familiar with the state of “flow,” namely, pursuing a task with enthusiasm and forgetting everything around you. And thus to reach the goal particularly quickly. When this state is achieved on the job, it is obvious that satisfaction is particularly high and results are particularly good.

Gamification is the incorporation of game principles into applications and routines of everyday work and innovation. Successful game mechanisms that regularly captivate millions in the form of online games are transferred to the job in gamification.

Registered users will find a detailed description of how to use the method in a meeting or workshop context in the next section. Registration is free of charge.

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