
Moving Motivators

Card game method to explore the motivation of employees and teams in the change process.

Are you and your company also in the middle of a digital transformation process? Perhaps your team is finding it difficult to follow the path of change as planned as a matter of course? If they find themselves at this point, it can make perfect sense to use the Moving Motivators method to address the motivations of their employees.

The game-based approach with Moving Motivators can help them explore and better understand the motivators of their team members. This enables them to motivate and manage their employees in a more individualized and targeted manner. The change process in their organization can gain more momentum and their employees proactively support the change through intrinsic involvement.

The Moving Motivators were created by Jurgen Appelo (coach, speaker and author of several books), based on the motives from the Reiss Profile Motive Analysis (according to Prof. Dr. Steven Reiss) and the CHAMPFROGS model for intrinsic motivation.

Find out what motivates your team, your boss, and yourself the most.

Moving Motivators: 10 Significant Motives for the Business Environment

Jurgen Appelo describes these subsequent motives as basic motives or needs:

  • Inquisitiveness: I would like to fathom and investigate many things
  • Values: I find my world of values reflected in the work context and this reinforces my loyalty
  • Recognition: Colleagues and superiors appreciate my work and my person
  • Perfection: The activity promotes and challenges my skills
  • Influence: I have creative freedom and influence in my work area
  • Freedom: I am self-determined in my decisions regarding my work and my area of responsibility
  • Connectedness: I have good social contacts with colleagues in my work context
  • Order: Rules and orienting guard rails ensure a stable working environment
  • Meaningfulness/goal: I can also find my life goals in my work
  • Status: I have a good position in the company and this is recognized

Registered users will find a detailed description of how to use the method in a meeting or workshop context in the next section. Registration is free of charge.

In addition to this description, you will find complete instructions on how to use the method in a team meeting or workshop in the Innovation Wiki. All you need to do is register free of charge and you will have access to this and more than 700 other methods and tools.

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