


The POEMS method is used to study people, objects, environment, messages and services within a given context.

POEMS is an observational framework that allows the observer/researcher to understand the five elements both independently and in an interrelated system. POEMS is particularly useful for looking beyond the core object being observed (for example, a product) and seeing how services, messages, people, and the environment relate to a broader context.

Observing with a broader perspective makes it easier for teams to identify systems and exciting relationships.

Registered users will find a detailed description of the use of the method in a meeting or workshop context in the next section. Registration is free of charge.

In addition to this description, you will find complete instructions on how to use the method in a team meeting or workshop in the Innovation Wiki. All you need to do is register free of charge and you will have access to this and more than 700 other methods and tools.

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