


Prototyping is about realizing a prototype to create the most concrete image of the idea and to get a common understanding.

Different quality levels and degrees of fineness are possible. From quickly and simply sketched to miniature illustration through plasticine, Lego, wires or the like. In many companies, the prototyping phase is seen as the end of an innovation process.

However, you can use the creation of simple prototypes earlier to enrich good ideas in time and generate a better common understanding.

Prototypes can be divided into three categories.

Work alike
Clarification of the functional principle of the prototype, respectively illustration of the technology

Behave alike
Clarification of a behavior that describes the product, service or business model

Look alike
Representation of the external appearance of the product

The prototype approach can also be combined with other techniques to become more concrete from integration to integration.

Registered users will find a detailed description of how to use the method in a meeting or workshop context in the next section. Registration is free of charge.

In addition to this description, you will find complete instructions on how to use the method in a team meeting or workshop in the Innovation Wiki. All you need to do is register free of charge and you will have access to this and more than 700 other methods and tools.

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