The model of Klaus Doppler and Christoph Lauterburg (2002) helps to provide a common picture of relevant environmental developments and scales corresponding reaction patterns of systems. The term “impulse-response timeline” indicates that certain impulses, for example innovative technical developments, emerge from the environment relevant to a company, but that the companies react to these impulses at different speeds, i.e. with the passage of time, to a greater or lesser extent.
ener react: the reaction patterns in this model range from proactive to inactive.
Proactive strategies: Apple with its product innovations or Google with its employee retention strategies.
Anticipatory strategies: the Otto mail order company with its online stores can be named. Source etc. can then be described as inactive in contrast to this.
In the case of responsive strategies, Lufthansa is often used as an example with regard to the strategic orientation with its subsidiaries – and in the case of reactive strategies, the example of Swissair.
In the case of inactive or non-existent strategies, Kodak, Palm (product strategies) or Nokia, for example, are named.