
Quick Reference Card

Knowledge presented in a condensed form for quick dissemination throughout the organization.

With a Quick Reference Card, you summarize on one page or less what the reader should know about the topic at a glance. Graphically prepared, supported by illustrations and nicely designed, knowledge can be conveyed in the shortest possible time.

Typically, they are made as a one pager, printed out and handed out to users so they are always on hand and can be quickly pulled out of the drawer when needed. That is why they are also called “cheat sheets”. Of course, they are now also available in digital form. Quick Reference Cards can be used in many areas and are not limited to Digital Transformation. Nevertheless, this is precisely where you can provide useful services to break down barriers and fears of new digital products through knowledge.

Key combinations, functions in new tools or terms are only some of the possible contents. The digitized world in particular is very broad and diverse, and a Quick Reference Card can reduce this abstractness to the essentials38 and make digitization manageable and comprehensible. This reduction to the essentials is called “didactic reduction,” which is what the Quick Reference Cards are based on. It is not “about the (quantitative) reduction of learning content “39 but about the “core of the matter “40 that is to be conveyed.

38 Book – Didactics of Chemistry in Case Studies. Anregungen für die Unter- richtspraxis, Sabine Streller/Claus Bolte/Dennis Dietz/Ruggero Noto la Diega (Springer Spektrum 2019), p.12.

39 Book – Chemistry didactics in case studies. Anregungen für die Unter- richtspraxis, Sabine Streller/Claus Bolte/Dennis Dietz/Ruggero Noto la Diega (Springer Spektrum 2019), p.12.
40 Book – Didactics of Chemistry in Case Studies. Anregungen für die Unter- richtspraxis, Sabine Streller/Claus Bolte/Dennis Dietz/Ruggero Noto la Diega (Springer Spektrum 2019), p.11.

Registered users will find a detailed description of how to use the method in a meeting or workshop context in the next section. Registration is free of charge.

In addition to this description, you will find complete instructions on how to use the method in a team meeting or workshop in the Innovation Wiki. All you need to do is register free of charge and you will have access to this and more than 700 other methods and tools.

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