Team In Takt is a creativity technique that uses musical instruments within a team workshop. Jazz musician and teacher Daniel Maurice Ziegler developed this technique from his pedagogical work with (amateur) jazz bands. In Team In Takt, members of an existing team of six to twelve participants who otherwise never hold a musical instrument play improvised music and sound collages.
The goal of the workshop is not so much learning to play the instruments correctly as exercises in creativity in the sum intelligence of the group. Creativity techniques not unlike SCAMPER can be practically felt and experienced at Team In Takt.
This often involves the question of how something small (a musical motif) can become something large (melody, sound synthesis of the arts) or something completely new. Methods of imitation and change/development are applied – and in real time, as in a live improvising jazz band.
Team In Takt thrives on interaction. The ambiguity of the method name Team In Takt indicates the double benefit: On the one hand, the goal is an intact, i.e. healthy, team that makes full use of its qualities – this involves aspects of communication. On the other hand, team members can get into a common beat during these exercises: Harmonize goals without a lockstep command and feel joy in overcoming creativity inhibitions.
To use Team In Takt, you must either be a musician/music educator/multi-instrumentalist yourself or have one as a partner in the workshop. Such co-moderation can work well: The musician practices the improvisations with the participants, and you, as the coach, analyze the creative processes in reflections between the playing phases.