With digital transformation, companies must identify and take into account particular trends and remain permanently adaptable. While experts in their specialized fields usually operate their own innovation management, the transformation trend radar focuses on a specific trend for six or 12 months for the company as a whole. During this application period, all employees are given the opportunity to build knowledge and skills while experts perform concrete trend analyses or proof of concepts.
Both megatrends can be covered in the transformation trend radar, such as artificial intelligence, new work, IT security, health, sustainability, etc., and relevant corporate trends that all employees should be aware of (e.g., technology trends for companies in the IT industry).
As part of the digital transformation, the transformation trend radar is a decisive step towards a learning and adaptive organization. Even the one-time application of this method produces a wide range of new competencies among employees and takes into account an important new trend for the company. Applying the method in repetitive cycles leads to business success and ensures that a learning and adaptive culture becomes deeply rooted.
The method consists of two parts. In the first part, a multidisciplinary team creates the transformation trend radar for the company (creation). In the second part, the entire organization applies this transformation trend radar (application).
The initial assessment made by the team during creation is consolidated, substantiated or refuted during application. This results in new insights, up to action plans or measures.
The transformation trend radar is a micro method and can be used as an alternative or supplement to the classic trend radar. While the classic trend radar shows several trends over different levels, e.g. potential recommendations for action over a certain period of time or different trend tires on the market, the transformation trend radar specifically looks at only the overarching part that will be particularly relevant for all employees in the next six or 12 months.