Ubongo Flow Game

Ubongo Flow Game

Serious game that lets players experience how process has a greater impact on outcome than individual skills or player motivation.

In the context of digital transformations of companies, employees and managers are often faced with the challenge of having to rethink their working methods. Efficiency thoughts are more and more in the foreground in organizations and the immense need for suitable agile working methods cannot be denied. How do companies and managers actually create awareness in the workforce for a contemporary agile working environment?

Particularly in traditional companies and industries, there may be employees and managers who are not easily comfortable with agile organizational principles. The relevance of agile working methods is not immediately recognized and accepted by some employees. A playful approach with the Ubongo Flow Game can make the agile potentials and advantages more accessible. By using Ubongo Flow Game in workshops, you can practice to improve constantly. The practical and playful experience with Ubongo evokes a lively enthusiasm among all participants.

Ubongo, for example, simulates workflows and processes. The simulation is intended to show that a certain form/method of cooperation has a greater influence on the results than, for example, the individual competence of individual team members.

Registered users will find a detailed description of how to use the method in a meeting or workshop context in the next section. Registration is free of charge.

In addition to this description, you will find complete instructions on how to use the method in a team meeting or workshop in the Innovation Wiki. All you need to do is register free of charge and you will have access to this and more than 700 other methods and tools.

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