
Worksetting Canvas

Tool to understand employee needs and align with company offerings for life-family-work balance.

Successful digital transformation requires motivated, resilient and healthy people who enjoy coming to work. They should enthusiastically drive digitization, jump into different streams, build their expertise and expand networks wisely. If we look more closely, it is not companies that lead digital transformations, but the people who are employed by the companies. The changes that are taking place with the digital transformation bring with them changed requirements for working conditions or the working environment. Now is the right time to elicit these new requirements, review existing offerings and evaluate new formats.

The work-life balance or the compatibility of career and family, which have been expanded in many cases in recent years, will no longer be sufficient to motivate employees in the coming years. Rather, companies must realize that they will only come third, behind lifestyle, personal values and hobbies (Life) and sufficient quality time with family or family members (Family), and finally expect companies with modern working conditions within an appreciative organization (Work). All three levels must be viewed holistically and accepted within the company. While the three boundaries between levels merge for individuals from one generation, individuals from another generation draw clear boundaries between levels. Nonetheless, employee satisfaction flows together at all three levels. The holistic view brings employees into a status of satisfaction or, more importantly, a status that provides for health and stress reduction, as, for example, important systemic issues such as lifelong learning, mindfulness, flexibility, time, joy, etc. can be incorporated. Properly executed, this leads to sustained high work performance needed before, during, and after digital transformation.

Jacob Morgan reports in his book, “The Future of Work,” that those who don’t move early in the direction of new work environments will be “out-of-business.” He describes what the employee of the future wants as follows: “The future employee wants to work for an organization that believes and invests in sustainability and community development, corporate social responsibility, health and wellness, employee happiness, ethical choices, and in making the world a better place.”

“The leaders of firms that will survive in the future will understand that coming to work should involve more than picking up a paycheck. They will appeal to staff members’ wants and not only their basic needs. Businesses of the future will attract employees who share their values, not just people who need jobs. Organizati-ons will retain staff members by providing personal and financial benefits – leaving workers happier, more fulfilled and empowered.”

Derived from the Value Proposition Canvas by Alexander Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur, in which a product or service is matched with the needs of the customers (product-customer fit), the Worksetting Canvas offers the matching between life-family-work offerings of the company (worksetting) and the employees working there (worksetting-employee fit).

Like the Value Proposition Canvas, the Worksetting Canvas consists of two parts, the Worksetting Map and the Employee Profile.

The tool offers the following application possibilities:

– Detailed understanding of the needs, wishes and problems of employees

– Analysis of existing offers in the corporate sector that are relevant for the worksetting

– Analysis of the fit of existing offers with employees

– Creating new offers in relation to existing and future employees

Registered users will find a detailed description of how to use the method in a meeting or workshop context in the next section. Registration is free of charge.

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